Jewels Ahl

○ Psychic Coach ○ Quantum Healer ○

○ Spiritual Teacher ○ CHt ○

○ Diamond Heart Priestess ○

Connect. Align. Journey. Restore. Clear. Heal.

Healing ain't pretty.

It's not glamorous or fluffy. Those brave enough to face themselves;

their patterns, beliefs, programming, wounding, communication styles, and resentments;

are not only capable of radically transforming their lives, but their family lines and the collective reality as well.

And those who allow Our Loving God all the way into their hearts, minds, and lives — well, they are the bravest and most exquisitely blessed of all.

Are you ready to be brave and face the sacred mirror?

Are you ready to deepen your connection with God?

Take my hand. Let's do this.

Diamond Heart Ministry is currently taking a break from live gatherings. There are some changes being made behind the scenes as to how it will function, and how often we will gather. There are many recordings available to view for support, comfort and healing. You can access them and support the cause of a physical church site/homestead community that serves food to those less fortunate via my Patreon. Thank you for your support and we’ll be back soon!